Still excited that Chloë Grace Moretz once answered my question in an Q&A… Even though it was over a year ago…
Tag: chloë grace moretz
Chloë Grace Moretz in Kick Ass 2

These are some screenshots I took of Chloë Grace Moretz in Kick Ass 2. She is so good, in every film and also in this film. There are basically two characters she plays: the superhero Hit Girl and the normal teenage girl just starting high school Mindy Macready. I love how these personalities are different, even though they are the same person and how her growth moment in the film is when she learns to integrate the two.

There’s also this interplay between Mindy and her guardian, Marcus. They both know they’re lying to each other and they are both keeping up the pretence. At one time Marcus busts her on a lie reminding her she’s 15, not 5, so she just switches to a more age appropriate lie…

Copyright notice: even though I took these screenshots, the copyright remains with the original owner